Hymns of Hope is my second Hymns project. The response I received after completing my first hymns project, Hymnbook: 16 Classic Hymns, was so positive, and the list of hymns I still wanted to record was so long, that it only made sense to head back into the studio and record a second album. For this project I partnered with my good friend and producer David Hamilton. David has produced other albums for me such as Thank You Lord, Arise, Hiding Place, and Christmas: A Season of Hope, and it was great to work with him again. I hope the 12 timeless hymns I’ve selected with truly be “Hymns of Hope” for you as well.
Praise to the Lord, The Almighty | Be Thou My Vision | Pass Me Not O Gentle Savior | Lead Me To Calvary | Jesus Paid It All | Fairest Lord Jesus | The Old Rugged Cross | O How I Love Jesus | My Savior’s Love | He Hideth My Soul | Trust and Obey | My Faith Has Found A Resting Place
This album isn’t being fully released until Spring 2014, but if you order one of the eight Christmas packages available here on my website, you have the exclusive opportunity to purchase a digital download months before the release date. This is a limited time add on, so you will want to grab it now before it disappears at the end of the year! I hope you enjoy this project as much as I enjoyed making it.
Just exited.
I am anxious to hear the new album as well! I recently thanks be to God have been sober for 35 months! I listen to “Thank You Lord” all the time as well as have downloaded, “I Will Sing” and “Thank You Lord”, which every time I play it, which is daily is so spiritual for me. I love praising God through song and I am so glad our church played “Arise” and “Thank You Lord!” Our church here in Southern Oregon is a four square church called “Life Recovery” The pastor is awesome and is such a blessing to our community. We pray always that the people out there stuck in their addictions will seek and find God as I have. Thank you Don Moen for your service to our Lord and Savior! It brings us closer to our God!
God Bless
Sharon Ray
To God be the Glory!
And May the out pouring blessing of the Holy Spirit always be upon you all in Christ Jesus our Lord and Saviour’s name.
Praise GOD, that you have done a splendid work for the glory of GOD by producing a CD
of beautiful hymns, We love Don’s praise and worship songs as they take us to the very
Presence GOD and the anointing that pour on us is unspeakable joy. Thank you so much
for your obedience to write songs and sing them with such Godly passion and may the
Lord GOD bless you and everyone connected to you, make HIS face to shine upon you all
of you be gracious to and give you peace to every area of your ministry. Praying for you
everyday. Now please tell how. we can purchase your cards and the CD. We need to
get a few copies and about six packs of cards. can we buy online. We don’t see a page.
With purchase details. We are from Australia. Thanks.
GOD bless and love from down under.
Never give up for the devil who not like your music which always inspire me and my family. Continue to come out with more inspirational songs, stay bless and keep on confessing and declaring God’s blessing towards you and family
Wow! I am happy that GOD is using YOU through your SONGS to TOUCH my LIFE and LIVES OF OTHERS! Daddy, YOU are my ROLE MODEL IN MUSIC because A DAY without listening to 20 of your Tracks is never complete. GOD BLESS YOU!
Daddy, one of my greatest dream and aspiration is to SING with you on the same stage! I can perfectly sing most of your songs because I listen to them EVERYDAY! GOD BLESS YOU!
Sir, I heard that you will be performing LIVE in NIGERIA on 6th December 2013 at THE EXPERIENCE, LAGOS! By GOD’S GRACE, I will try MY ALL POSSIBLE BEST to be there! LONGING TO SEE YOU FACE TO FACE. GOD’S GRACE ABIDE WITH YOU!
When the hopeless listens to this hymn of hope,hope will flow from heaven for him.When the helpless do the same,help will come from above.You have been able to lift many souls through this your God’s given talent especially when you performed live here in Malaysia (Nov 5,2013).Since the bible says that he that waters shall be watered,my prayer is that God will continually bless you as you draw more souls to his kingdom.
Long live my worship leader (Don Moen).
I was blessed beyond measure as my eyes,soul and body glued to you while you were here in Malaysia(at Grace Convention Center).I can’t wait to sing at the same time again with you anywhere in this world.While listening to you,I am reminded that God told me to come to him ‘just as I am’.
THX that’s a great anwrse!
happy to join
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That’s an ingetlilent answer to a difficult question xxx
Your answer was just what I needed. It’s made my day!
I’ve just found this album on Spotify searching for songs like Trust and Obey. God has blessed me so much through your recordings, so I’m hoping you’ll release this album in a Spanish version (it will be a great gift to the latin american Christian church).
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