This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers and sisters. 1 John 3:16
Naomi Esi Amoah of Royal Seed Home in Ghana truly lives 1 John 3:16. I met Naomi several years ago and felt so encouraged by all she does to rescue abandoned children. It is not uncommon for Naomi to drop whatever she is doing to respond to a phone call from the local police, asking her to pick up a child who has no family nor home. This is how Ekwo came to Royal Seed Home.
Ekwo was living on the streets when police arrested him for stealing. Social services contacted Naomi and asked her to shelter the boy while they searched for his family. It was a Sunday morning and Naomi promptly left church to meet Ekwo at the police station. She then brought him to Royal Seed Home where he found a bed, food, school, God’s unconditional love and forgiveness. Social services did eventually locate Ekwo’s family; however, not one person in his immediate nor extended family wanted anything to do with him. Sadly, Ekwo was dead to them.
Ekwo’s past is one of struggle and sadness. However, when you ask him to share his story, tears fill his eyes…tears not of pain, but rather gratitude. Naomi rescued this young man and gave him a future and hope. A young man destined to spend his life behind bars, now has the support system he needs to make something of himself and to do something great for God.
It is because of Ekwo and the many other orphaned children that I support Royal Seed Home. A monthly gift of $25 provides one month’s supply of food for each child at Royal Seed. Click the button below to make your donation today.
God bless you,