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Over the years, many of you have asked me a variety of questions ranging from worship leading, songwriting, the music industry and much more. Because I’m often asked the same questions, I’ve been looking for a way to answer them for everyone who might be interested… and I think I’ve found it!

I’m excited to announce that I’m launching a new video series on my YouTube Channel where I’ll be taking your questions and recording my responses to upload them to YouTube for everyone to hear. Over my 30+ years in the Christian/Gospel industry, I’ve learned many things the hard way, and if I’m able to help someone along the way – I believe it’s worth it. I hope this will be a blessing to you!

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Blessings always,


  • Victor Samuel says:

    Good day sir,i’m Samuel,a young boy from Nigeria.i’m very talented in singing but i have no one to help.can you help me sir?

  • Katherine Roy says:

    I know that you started playing in a group of Christians or a Christian band and later started singing so for you I guess the calling was pretty obvious. I have served in different churches and ministries in Pakistan and Nairobi but I have been struggling here in Canada. Can you help me to understand my calling and tapping in to the right resources to follow my calling. I feel very unfulfilled as I feel I do nothing for his kingdom. Thanks

    • Alma says:

      As a fellow believer , I would like to share with you my experience re : desires of your heart example as a singer . 30 years ago , I desired to know how to practice my Faith effectively as I observed my both parents were prayerful but always in conflict with each other . My father was innocent and a dreamer type of person while my mother is smart and success oriented person . It’s only now I realize the difference in them .. The other one is one is sincere in his pursuit of getting to know God while the other one is ritualistic and practicing religion as an obligation . Once we open ourselves to Him , we have to go through a lot of challenges in order for us to develop virtues that is in line with God other than the mindset our society has strong influence us . As we pray and choose to be righteous in every decision making we do . The Lord will send us somebody to toss our faith and keep on going . But you could hardly tell the messenger if you hold negativity in your heart (like anger , jealousy , pretenses , manipulation , resentment and the like ). You can get rid of the aforementioned if you learn to forgive anybody around you past or present .And ask forgiveness to the things you /your family do in the past (as we are only human . )A sacred realization will come to your mind every time you do this . With prayers and petition you will be transformed into a different person . And this is the time God will grant your wishes because it is not only for the best of you , to the people around you and most especially to God’s greater glory . Amen . Praise the Lord !

      • Alma says:

        To add : The change has started as I listened wholeheartedly and reflect the lyrics of a lot of praise and worship songs . Including 12 Steps to Serenity among others .

  • ampande says:


  • Michael says:

    Its seems everyone is passing through same fire. we just the basic help.

  • Peter says:

    Please how can I get all your albums till date.

  • PENIEL says:


  • Philip Patrick says:

    Sir DON MOEN. YOU ARE MY DREAM GOSPEL ARTIST. LOVED YOUR SONGS FROM RON KENOLY’S TIME. God used u to bless my teenage. Am growing up as a songwriter, Composer and Gospel Artist. I have composed 70 original Gospel songs. I love The Piano above all other instruments i’ve learnt. I pray dat I hold your hands before my dying day. Well the probability of u reading my post or commenting or listening to my original composed Gospel songs is 0.1%. But I am Happy to post. I have been watching and praying for your programs from age 15 when I first watched u minister. Don’t stop the Good Work my Music Mentor. My Family prays for u. Am nt saying this for public praise but to God’s glory. May God Keep You Till the end. Amen

  • Philip Patrick says:

    I will scramble 4 any position to work for God through your ministry. I pray that God hears my long time heart desire.

  • Okot David says:

    Praire God Don,
    When Will You Come To Uganda To Worship With Us?

  • Iyore says:

    When are you coming to UK London city again. The psalmist says he who sings once pray twice. Your songs are verses straight from the bible. I sleep and wake with your songs in my lowest and highest moments. Love you so much and appreciate you Don Moen.

  • Adelana Samuel says:

    happy day Minister, my name Samuel but My stage name is Deila Sammydon. i am a local music minister, what i do most is composing worship song and lead concerts or backup another minister (due to my mutli-act voice). i have been to ceremonies, concerts, and churchs to minister.
    but the problem here is people have been telling me to release those songs i composed myself but there is no one really ready to help. i have being in a concert where Frank Edwards was the Chief gust, but still no one is ready to help. nevertheless i have been working them out as in composing, write more spirit filled music.
    here is my contact sir.

    yours in anticipation.

  • Glory says:

    Hello sir,
    Please I need that song that you and Frank Edward did together.

  • Onya topflight praise says:

    Wow!!…excellent! Am really trilled by the sound of your music…you are a blessing to this’ve conquered the world..i love your music.just want to know what inspires your lovely music.
    God bless you.l love you.

  • king George says:

    The Glory of the Lord is risen upon you.Indeed you are light to generation sir. I love your music alot. But what Can I say to you. I say with all my heart that God richly bless you and anyone who listen to you music.

  • Victoria Oyetunji says:

    My wish for you that u will make eternity, God shall give u more inspirational sing that wil draw souls to him. Organise a concert with frank Edward here in Nigeria. Have been blessed by all your songs God bless u sir. Anticipating daddy

  • Good day sir….I am Matthew from Nigeria,I play different instruments ranging from piano,trumpet,saxophone,leat and bass guitar,flute,clarinett,oboe….And the only thing that inspired me towards learning those instruments was listening to your songs,you are really God sent to bless our lives in various way….But if i am given the chance to continue my studies with your able musical crew i believe i my life will be transformed for better good…..Please sir grant me this opportunity to be under your supervision…..Thank you and more greece to your Elbow

  • Jemimah Obileye says:

    Good day Mr Don Moen. I am Jemimah From Nigeria, and I love your music and your heart. You are an example of a true worshipper and I pray for you and I pray that God will make me a true worshipper like you.

    QUESTION: as a believer, what are your convictions about the Baptism of the Holy Spirit and the gifts of the Holy Spirit. I am Nigerian and pentecostal so I believe in speaking in tongues and healing the sick. I believe that Christians have more power than they tend to believe and than they want…what do you think, what are your thoughts sir?

    God bless you sir

  • Carl says:

    Hi Don Moen….i want to know what a calling is and can your calling be sports?…

  • Kelly Siloko says:

    Good day sir moen,i’m kelly siloko from Nigeria.Sir i’m talented in the aspect of singing melody unto GOD in my church “christ missionaries crusader’s church”.sir please i need you to me through as my muzic mentor

  • Risma says:

    Dear Mr. Don Moen, I’m Risma from Indonesia. I am your fan . I love all your songs . Your songs makes me strong. And I salute with what you have .
    Dear Mr. Don Moen, I want to ask for help . Please pray for my mother who is now bedridden . Currently my mother there was swelling in her thigh . I do not know what it was , we did not see a physician because we could not afford to pay it. Especially if later the doctor ordered us for surgery, we really dont have money for that. All I ask , please pray for my mother to be appointed illness. I really can not strong to see her pain that she felt at this time. I wanna see her laugh again with us…I really don’t have a power right now. The only thing I can do is just pray to God to make me strength, and my mom can be heal. Thats all I ask. Thank you.

  • Hi Don i too love your gospel music “celebrate,JESUS celebrate” am a UGANDAN,and when are you visiting blessed

  • Israel Ese says:

    hello sir, my name is ISRAEL. I am a talented young nigerian. I had an inspiration from God to start a music school last year and i was given a name “CITY TRIBES”. i dont know where to start from please sir how do i start. Thank you sir

  • Ethan U says:

    Mr. Moen,
    I love your music.
    I am a young guitarist. I want to know if you have a way to get in touch with Phil Hamilton. He played on Alvin Slaughter’s album God Can. Also, What day in 1996 was the God Can album recorded?
    Thank you sir,

  • hello sir. may name is jiggei. i am so bless in your life. i all ways pray that God give you more strength so that more music you compuse. i know the lord well bless u more. my birthday next mouth.if God well alowe me to see u in person.that was the greatest. gifts. i hope u well read my message.God bells u sir Don Moen

  • RayXong says:

    @ adelana. it sounds u ve been looking at the wrong source. when God wants to do is thing in your life, he wants you to trust him, not in man. when u look for help from man , u will not know when help comes, cuz u ve been looking in the direction of man instead of God. jeremiah 17 v5-8. says it all. you say u are a minister, minister of who. is it God. if its God then you have the holy ghost, and if u ve the holy ghost, u don’t have any problem cuz if u fellowship with him he will show u things, u will never be disadvantage, he will lead you, guide you. He alone is your help. understand this he is the one jesus said he will ask the father send. then while do u seek for help from men. the holy ghost knowd how to bring the men across your path to favour his righteous course in your. he knowd how to bring Don moen across your path, only if you know the holy spirit. Get to the word of God and watch your life go from glory to glory, higher & higher. God bless you.

  • Chris Barnes says:

    Thank you for “Here we are”. Seems in church there are so many requests, but seldom do we hear “thank You for all You do for us every day”. So wonderful to have that in a song!

    • chris barnes says:

      It’s still happening. Please remove my first post – inappropriate, most churches do offer praise and thanksgiving, just not in the sane words and music. God has certainly blessed you with many talents.,

      • chris barnes says:

        I was just enjoying the worship; my name doesn’t need to be there.

        Yes, I found that – “new Jerusalem, Satan abyssed” – people have so much to deal with these days, absence of Satan himself would really help. Play fair – yes, I was born Nov 4, “Scorpio, sign of fire and water”. No, I’m not “the abyss of fire and water. “Swing open wide, you ancient doors”? (I know – you meant the other ones, but those are ancient too)

        Had to use Linda Ronstadt’s “Love will abide; take things in stride – that’s what someone told me, but there’s noone at my side” prior to “Yahweh, I know You are near, standing always at my side”. (Yes, my soul went up through my body during a very brief respite July 1981 – the cursing zombie arrived underneath a few weeks later. “Those who are to be captured” were) Somebody else also commented that the “Yahweh” song helped when her child died. The author did comment it was removed from church because the use of the Name YHWH is not allowed; the person who posted it on You-Tube did not remove it. Thank You for all You do for us everyday.

        • chris barnes says:

          Yes, a Catholic priest was present when my soul went up, he didn’t prevent it.

          • chris barnes says:

            Please, “Holy is the Lord” – so am I. Can my soul please come back to her home-for-my-lifetime now? I know – she owns me from conception to death, I do not own her. Can’t enter me possessed, souls grab her, pull her out – I’m not dead yet. The last time she disappeared like this, I wandered homeless for 3-1/2 years, 1976-79. I went back to college after she went up through me; it’s only the trash underneath I’m complaining about.

  • Ezechimerem says:

    I want to know if you have any plans African talented Gospel artist? it gladdens my heart to have you as my best Gospel artist worldwide. I love you Don but God loves you Most.

  • church says:

    Prise leaving GOD,lam Charles in Uganda entebbe l need to thank you for the work done. we request you assist us with the funds towards completing the church and we have organized the conference to the youth.for more information contact charles wanyama entebbe kawuku on +256774657794 or bless u

  • toluwase says:

    Good day sir i’m olawoyin toluwase from nigeria

    my question are
    1. how can i get your used instrumentals ( drumes/beats )

    2. how can i get the book of all your prod music lyrics in nigeria

    please email me your private email acct on God bless you and your inspiration more

  • Rehman says:

    Sir I want Music Track of God Will make a Way. Can you Share… I lives in Pakistan and want to play this song to perform in the event following in Mid of November.

  • Alexandre says:

    I would like to know the name of the studio album, where “I Offer My Life” was recorded. My name is Alexandre. I’m Christian. I’m a singer-songwritter from Brazil. Thank, you. Glory to God.

  • I am clement from rwanda if really possible we would like to invite you in our caunt ry pls reply by email

  • Lori says:

    I just want to thank you for reminding me that God Will Make A Way! This became my “theme song” as I struggled to find hope and healing from a devastating illness and divorce after 35 years iof marriage

    God has supernaturally healed me in body, soul, and spirit and led me to a safe place to live. He now uses me to help others find hope, healing, and restoration IN HIM. HE MADE THE WAY WHEN THERE SEEMED TO BE NO WAY…. thank you and God bless you for being His Hands Feet and HEART

  • alex says:

    hi dear don. how are you doing today , hop all is well . My name is Musoni Alex , am From Rwanda , am singer in choir, iwould like to ask few things. tell me when you are preparing a perfomance what do you eat and drink before to perfom to protect voice

  • C.J. says:

    So Don…. did you you and Hank Smith pay for the rights to use the Village People’s circa 1970s melody to “Go West” for the melody to “Give Thanks with a Grateful Heart”?
    Men At Work got the pants sued off of them for using copying one little flute riff that they used on ” Down Under”. It would be a shame for that to happen to you guys.

  • Salomon ongala fataki says:

    Dear MOEN! God Bless You! I really appreciated your songs, how do you arrived to make these songs?

  • Petra says:

    Hi Pastor Don Moen…
    Thanks a lot for your songs. I always listening. Even at work your songs always with me. Im a doctor and i hope one day i can join with you for help all people who need my talent my skill. God always bless us…

  • Blessings Mkandawire says:

    Hi Sir Don Moen
    Am Blessings Mkandawire deom Zambia.
    I really LOVE your music from my childhood. And i was introduced to your music by my father.

    My question is “why most of time u loose easily understanding and attention when the word of Godis being preached?

  • Somto says:

    Hello. Sir, I love how God uses you. I’m just very curious- the song ” Great is Your Mercy”, what are the instruments that were played? I would really want to learn. The songs ‘Mi Corazon’ and ‘Great is Your Mercy’ have the same….feel. I would love to know the exact instruments that produced it.
    Thank you sir for this opportunity.

  • Arit Omori says:

    Good day sir.I love the way God uses you to minister and touch souls like mine. God bless you sir.but sir I need a help from you,I want to study in your country can you Please sponsor me.Am a Nigeria.please help me out.+2348038379851

  • Omoyeni Timilehin Clement says:

    Good morning to you sir, pls sir I need you to teach me what it takes to be a good worshipper and some technique to follow

  • Cissy Ritah says:

    What should a heart of a worshipper have and how should it look like

  • Cissy Ritah says:

    What should a heart of a worshipper have

  • Zachary Matthias says:

    Hey Don, I have a member that was forced to stop serving in the worship team due to the lifestyle he lived (drinking, clubbing, dating many woman). Should I allow him to rejoin the team if he wants to? I am afraid he influences the newer members which might cause the whole team to be toxic. How should I move forward in this case?

  • Abraham Sanchez says:

    Hi Don , my name is Abraham and I’m from Venezuela.
    You can’t imagine how much I’ve been blessed with your worship ministry .
    I’ve got a question for you .
    Where are the video recordings of your first five live concerts (Give Thanks , Steadfast Love , Bless the Lord , Christmas Praise & Worship , Eternal God) ?

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