James 1:17 tells us, “Every good and perfect gift is from above… with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning.” In this day and age when it seems you can’t depend on anything or anyone, you can still put your trust in God. He will never change, He is faithful. He will never leave you nor forsake you. In this week’s podcast Don shares a story of God’s faithfulness from one of our listeners and tells the story behind recording a well known hymn, “Great Is Thy Faithfulness.”
I LOVE your music!!! Wish I could go on your cruise….what a blessing that must be to the people there! I adopted two brothers as a single Mom, so can’t quite swing it. But I listen to your music all the time!
It affords me much pleasure to write this comment.i am a fourteen years old boy.and don moen is my role model.his songs are like inspiration to me and my friends and in schools.his songs has brough a holeness into my life.i am watching out the day u will come to ghana.i can’t wait to see u in my lovely country.cheers bye
I also started watching Don when I was teenager, his songs and humbleness inspired me throughout my life in the Lord till today I am approaching 40 still the songs like God will make a way sounds fresh to my soul. God keep you long br.
I am also a teenager and i also like your music and i wish you could come to Ghana
If there be any title for worshipers of God, maybe David would have gotten one, just like the good worshiper but baby in the ministry Tope Alabi of Nigeria…permit me sir to call you
Don of Worship….If I am short of words or song to worship the king of kings, I pick up my phone and play sacrifice of praise…so lovely….thanks for your good work….
Enter your comments here…you are indeed a called God servant, i am always bless whenever I played your tape. May God continue to use you greater and greater in Jesus name (Amen)
You have got a message for every situation in your songs. They are inspiring! God bless! you
You have been an inspiration in my life.Through your songs i have had the strength to go on.God bless you so much.
Really I like it God bless u more n more
You really inspired my life, and you have given me enough songs to praise God. May God gives you more inspirations to bring people closer to Him.
My baby’s first song was thank you lord, that is to tell you how much we listen to that track. the song said it all. when i lost my sister seven years ago, i repeatedly played i will sing because i was in a very dark place and each time i played that song it opens another door of understanding and the lyrics of the song ministered to me. Thank you for letting the Holy spirit take His place in your life.
the Don god be with you, you’re doing and have done great things, god bless
i love the song GOD WILL MAKE A WAY coz i know in every situation if u trust god he will make a way 4 u..i love u god…
I love all your songs I’ve learned it when I became and joined a Catholic Charismatic Ministry in the Philippines the Light of JESUS under Bo Sanchez as our servant leader your songs uplift my soul thank you I love God more than ever
Praise the Lord for Bro.DOn, May the good Lord bless you more and more to bring more new songs and save more souls ..through your voice and beautful songs.. save the lost and give life to the broken…i like and enjoy each and every songs of yours.. all the songs seems precious to me and important to me.. one of them are “He never Sleeps he never slumbers”then “HE walked where i walked”..and like this many more has touched me ..whenever i was low and broken….God with us …thank you jesus for Bro.Don…God bless you with long life….
You are a blessing to me and my family! Welcome to Kenya!
Don Moen i like our songs,they inspire me alot,be blessed a million and always praise the Lord!
i honestly love yr songs. they are inspiring. u shall not be tired of praising the Lord.
praise GOD ……..
Hmm! D David of our time! I thank GOD 4 ur life! 4 ur total submition 2 ds grt mission of raising Souls 4 KINGDOM of HEAVEN, may d Grace of GOD nvr depart 4rm us all! Ur music track tht trills me all d tme are; When All Been Said And Done: SACRIFICE OF PRAISE, Mi Corazon etc! Infact! I can’t remember d numbers of tmes tht I ve dreamt of UR ministrations! I pray tht D BLOOD OF JESUS See us tru in life and lead us hme safely
I’m such a big fan to these wonderful and life changing podcasts, they have been of great inspiration to me. I find myself looking forward to a new one each week. God bless and preserve yoy sir for being such a devoted Ambassador of His kingdom! Amen
Don Moen, I love all your songs so much, day and night i listen your songs. I hope you not tired for making more songs to inspiring to all people and change there life back to the
LORD. Thanks God He send you in this earth to tell the truth. Even you become old your songs and your words still remain forever. You are great kind of person the way you pray and sing, you are faithful to express the words of God. First time i heard and see the pastor how true to express his song and the words Of God.
You know Pastor, you change my life so much. Now I spread to all my family and friends your songs. Thank you so much Pastor, Take care always your self and God bless!
je benie mon dieu car il permis qu à travers son serviteur les ames meurtries de douleures
et de deception retrouve le courage et la force par jesus christ notre seigneur
Dear Don Moen,i like like and like your songs,i hear them twice or many times per day.Be blessed by Almighty God,may he gives you inspiration so you can sing and post for us beautiful songs.Amen
My morning hymn when i wake up is this one: He never sleeps.
Don Moen, there’s no single song of yours that does not inspire me & make me get closer to God. You are a great blessing. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, let us know what it requires for you to come to Rwanda. God bless you abundantly! We love you.
don, thanks for ur music it inspire God in the heart of listenners, pls keep it up, cos i want to see u personnally in heaven when we shall sing the song of redemption all alone with angels not joining. Praise GOD through His Son Jesus Christ.
what can i say that will be pleasing to my dad. i really love your songs, God bless u
u came IN AFRICA DAR TANZANIA i hav much blessed hav long life
God bless 4 ur worship songs
May God continue to bless your life with laughter.Your songs have given hope untold.
U r my mentor in worship i tank God 4 ur life God bless u i love our father
I’ve listened and sung “Oh Tú Fidelidad”, the song in Spanish… when I listened today in English, it was a blessing! Thank you for remembering God’s Word, that He has no shadow of turning and that He is the solid rock in Which we can stand. I really liked this message. I love God, thank you for sharing His Word. Continue doing it. Many people needs it. And always look for His Truth. God bless you a lot, God bless your ministry.
Hi Don,Laura
You are such a blessing to me your music your podcast are always a help to me to keep my f aith even stronger Thank you.
I have been through so much the past 2 years the passing of my dad and then I have had oporation after oporation Ihave had 4 big oporations plus heart problems now but god prepairs us for things I was so lucky and blessed I got to your concert in feb and I was blessed enough to get to meet you and your lovely wife Laura and also went to your other concert here in Dubai in March they were great so this built my faith and I always believe God will make a way were there seems to be no way he does work in ways we cannot see he will make a way for me and I declare this every day and give thanks to he is a great god.
god bless you Don always praying for you and your family
Best wishes Angela
dear don loss my job carndial heath cancel contact please pray for hope find new job soon just having a hard times in life right now wirte me back when you get a chance love your buddy paul lenfestey
hi brod!, im so bless when i hear your voice, more on when you start singing. I feel that
God is there to comfort me. I pray that God continually bless you in every thing you do and in all the song you create, annoint it in Jesus mighty name. I wish that someday you will have your concert here in the phillipines. More power and God bless your whole family.
hi brod!,it is my first time to comment to a worshiper of God, im so bless when i hear your voice, more on when you start singing. I feel that
God is there to comfort me. I pray that God continually bless you in every thing you do and in all the song you create, annoint it in Jesus mighty name. I wish that someday you will have your concert here in the phillipines. More power and God bless your whole family.
What can I say? All praise to God for you and the ministry you have blessed us with. I have continued to sing and enjoy the presence of the Lord while listening to your many songs. I still pay the cassette tapes! Yes they are in good shape. I even have the time life special collection that I love. The power of God is so strong when listening, I cannot begin to tell you how tears flow as I am so focused on the Lord when the songs are playing. Well, I better stop right here. As I type I can sense the annointing pressing in. God bless you and I continue to pray for you always as you are a part of the fabric of my Christian (Born Again) life.
Much Love…
Joint Heir~~~
Pat Barrow
i bless the lord almighty that u are stil in our generation. I’ve heard so many of your and i was inspired to join my church choir it my sound rediculos but i knew i made the right choice. There is this perticular song ‘MERCY SEAT’ i lost it and i wil like to have it again. Thanks
Hummm, yr songs ar inspirational, each situation has a solution in yr songs, even d pure worship always mak me ask daily 4 grace 2 make heaven. All yr songs ar gud but mercy seat makes me always remember calvary and d miracle of redemption. Wish 2 meet u here on earth and in heaven someday. Rgads
tenl u sir n reaim rapturabl.
Each time i listen to you iam bless and inspired,i love mercy seat. Thank God for you.
I have known your music since my early teen age years, listening to them made me realized the real beauty and essence of life having HIM in my growing years. All your praising songs have incredibly change my spiritual life as a teenager and now being a wife and a mother of 3 wonderful children. May you and your music continue to inspire others just like I am inspired up to this time. I have been keeping with me collected Don Moen’s cassette tapes and cds as part of my life as a Christian without them, my life seemed empty and dull. I wish you good health so you can continue to compose and create music into our hearts, drawing every christian around the world to be near HIM and be faithful in Him, for life without Him is Nothing. God bless u always Sir Don Moen!
Hello Don
I’m short of words and as a matter of fact speechless at the speed whereby the holy spirit is taking you! I’ve been an ardent listener of your music and I discovered that each time I hear you sing ‘ I always feel the holyspirit’ and the connection of your music with the ‘ Holy words of God’. I’ve always told myself that a day is going to come when I’ll get the chance to make life changing musical piece with you and I’ve never given up on that dream! Each time you come to my country Nigeria I never get the chance to hear you sing live but I know someday I’ll be up that stage with you ministering in the name of Jesus Christ our Saviour! God bless you for allowing Him to use you to minister to millions of wandering souls and bringing them back to christ! I’m a living testimony halleluyah!!!
You truly a blessing to us Mr. Don Moen,
however when are you coming back here
in Toronto Canada? I love watching and
hearing your music….
My God continue pour blessing like a rain!
Including your love ones.
God bless and hope to see you again here
in Toronto, for more concerts of yours!!!
“I will sing “,”He never sleeps”, Hiding place ” r few of my favourites.. I feel blessed to h ear ur songs. God bless u n ur wonderful ministry.
God bless you Don Moen. This is good.
praise the lord…….i like your songs and worship…
Praise The Lord, God, He reigns!!
yours music completely strenthen my faith in GOD JESUS. im so thankful of you and i hope that one day i could attend your concert the next time you will visit dubai. God Bless!
God is great your music are inspired ones blessed thy name of the Lord
your the man of God.real am blessed.
good day sir,i just wanted to let you know that you are a source or insppiration to so many people,including me…i pray the good Lord grants you long life,more inspiration,good health and above all make you inherit his kingdom.
Your songs are really shown my heart, a desire to praise GOD, a shout of joy, and a tears of cry.. simply worship to express my soul and strength of my spirit… GOD Bless you abundantly..
I thank God for your life you really are a blessing to me, whenever i listen to your music i hear God speaking to me God bless you and welcome to Kenya.
Thank GOD for your gifts and ministry brother Don truly an inspiration to many and a great song & hymn composer.
In HIS Service,
U r ablessing to many& ur songs blesses me alot.U r my # one gospel worshiper.May God increase ur territory!Keep é fire burning in è LORD.
man of God ur praise team is great how i wish u will visit my counrty Sierra Leone
Thanks Don for all your podcasts – they are such an inspiration! Have your hymns cd and
” Uncarted Territory” Cd – love them both – they are super. Thanks for the T-Shirt as well –
it beautiful. Love wearing it. Love to both you and Laura. love blessings and hugs fromSouth Africa
Thanks for the music, I always love to listen to your gospel songs it really inspired my life. I always listen to it starting from when I was a single and now I married a music minded person that also love to hear your music. We can feel the annointing of God, when I feel tired of working, I always love to listen to music. I still got the old records that was in Cassettee, i still listen to it.
God blees u
it’s a great thing to have an inspired person in the world, sir you are one in a million, i luv your way, your styles, your skills and your talent. may God in His infinite mercy continue to shower you each day with abundance inspirational musics. i look forward to bee like you one day cos i am also a gifted person just as you are sir.
Enter your comments here…Pastor,how i long to be part of ua worship team.thank GOD for you.
j’aime beaucoup vos chants je les suit tout au long de la journée et ils apaisent mon esprit je suis apprentis guitariste et j’aimerais bien avoir quelques tablatures de vos chants. que Dieu fasse d’avantage avec vous . vous êtes un modele pour ma famille et moi
Love what GOD is doing through you sir. i pray for more unction to function more in his vineyard.
Dear Don,
I bless the day my colleague gave me a CD of your songs that changed my life. My relation with God through the message has flourished and I can say that your songs have been the essence of my reborn. Thank you so much for sharing God’s message all over the world. God bless you abundantly.
I love your music,its uplifting.i have a cd containing the Lord,s PRAYER,i play it every night before i go to bed.God Bless you Don.as you continue to bless us in your Music.
i really love that song of great is thy faithfulness because our God is faithful even when we are not. he is there even every one is a way from us. i really want to know the Lord, i love the Lord with all my heart and i love you guys your songs really inspire me. be blessed
Hello Don and Friends,
I can’t even express the love of God and his presence flowing from the depths of your heart and the expression of who you are through our wonderful savior. The comfort, peace, and encouragement. I can’t wait to listen over and over again. The Lord knows exactly what we need. I am so thankful for those Precious songs of hope, Strength, and life. I am so thankful for Brother Moen taking time to care and share so much!
Thank you Brother Moen and Friends.We thank you Lord for sharing Brother Moen and Friends travels with us. Thank you Lord Jesus, over and over again, thank you.♥
Father we thank you for healing Beth, and restoring her back to your strength, Peace, Joy,Family and life. Thank you Father Son, and Holy Ghost
You have been an inspiration to me, your messages, revived me from the so many
stresses that come my way! This my fervent prayer, to see you face to face, when there
are chances available for me. I pray it will be too soon!
I have been listening to Don Moen’s music for over 20yrs now. And Great is thy faithfulness is one of the best song i’ve played.
hi, don Moen i so bless to hear your music that give inspiration to me in everyday i play your song before i go to school i want to meet you in personal may God bless you always
Having been listening to your songs for over 20yrs now,i am blessed beyond measure.Back in the year 2000,when i was praying for my father.”Be it unto me” and”Heal me oh Lord”from the album of “Rivers of Joy”helped me a lot.I fasted three days from 6am to 12pm with this songs and at the end of the three days,my father was healed of almost 3yrs of impotency resulting from hypertention.Glory be to God.Thank you Don for all this inspirational songs.
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