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This month’s story of hope is one of perspective change. Though Christy could not control her circumstances she allowed God to change her perspective despite her at the time, unchanging, situation.

[quote]God used the song, “He Giveth More Grace” to give me strength in a trying time for me.  I had chronic sinusitis for 3 years that kept me from using my sense of smell or taste.  After seeing several doctors and undergoing numerous tests, I had begun to give up hope of ever recovering.  But then, on June 26, 2012, I listened to your podcast that featured the song “He Giveth More Grace.”  All I could do was cry as I listened to it over and over again.  That day, my perspective of everything I was going through changed.  I had renewed strength to continue trusting that one day God would answer my prayers.  Six weeks later, I met the doctor who God had provided to treat my condition. I had sinus surgery on August 17, and I have been healed ever since. – Christy[/quote]


If you have a story of God’s faithfulness, we’d love for you to share it with us below!


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